These tips for buying a used car are important if you are in the market for a nice new used vehicle. In order to be sure that you get the best deal and be assured you have the smoothest transaction, you don't want to miss these 5 tips.
Buying a used car is a daunting task to say the least.
Most of the time buying a used car is tiring and frustrating because people are not aware of what they are getting into. They haven't done the proper preparation before buying their vehicle.
So, let's get started...
The first tip is to check your credit report. Pull your report from the 3 credit bureau agencies, Transunion, Equifax and Experian. Look each one over with a fine-toothed comb for errors that don't belong on your report.
If you see mistakes, dispute them through the agency that lists them. Check for accounts that you are not using and call the debtor and close the accounts. These open accounts appear as available credit you have at your fingertips and a potential lender may take this into consideration negatively.
Correcting these errors can help raise your credit score.
You should always know your credit score. The lending institution is going to pull your FICO score to determine if they should loan you money for a used car.
As you wait for your credit score to be repaired, do some research on the make and model of used car that will best suit you, your family and your family's needs. Go online to Consumer Reports to see how they rank specific makes and models that you are considering.
Consumer reports run all types of safety tests to inform consumers what make and models offer the best safety features. In addition, you can find reliability reports to help you determine which vehicle will be the most dependable to own.
Once you have determined a reliable and safe make and model that suits you, now do some homework on the price of this particular vehicle. Use the blue book resources on line such as Kelley Blue Book, Black Book and the NADA Guide to come up with an average price for your car, truck or SUV.
After determining the average of these three resources, further check local classified listings and local dealerships to further compare pricing for that same vehicle. These ads will confirm what is happening currently when it comes to fair market value.
Now, find a reputable dealership that sells used cars. Notice how you are welcomed and how you feel with the salesperson and being at that specific dealer.
Trust your intuition or your "gut" feeling at this point.
Remember, salespeople are trained on how to close you on buying a car today. Their agenda and their goal is to make a car sale today! They are trained weekly on how to get you to say yes. Car salesmen have memorized every answer to your objections for not buying today.
If for any reason you feel uncomfortable or pressured, it is a good idea to move on to the next used car lot. There are dealerships that care about what you are interested in rather than just making a sale today.
If you feel welcome and comfortable that this salesman is interested in what you want, have him show you some cars that fit your needs.
Once you find that perfect car, there is the paperwork. Most reputable dealerships will take the time to walk you through the paperwork so that you fully understand what you are signing. If you have questions, feel free to ask them.
Always remember... be careful of the small print as well as read and understand everything before signing on the dotted line.
If you follow these tips to buying a used car, you will have a much more pleasant experience. In addition, you will feel more confident that you got the best deal possible.