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Feb 10, 2012

Mandatory Auto Maintenance

Unless you live in a city with easily accessible mass transit, you rely on your car for your day to day life. Whether you drive into town from the outskirts on a daily basis or just enjoy visiting friends in neighboring towns, your car must be in tip-top shape or you'll be stuck in the middle of nowhere. By making sure to keep your car tuned up, you also ensure your own safety and avoid a lot of frustration. These mandatory auto maintenance tips are the most important things you should do for your car in order to keep it running smoothly for years to come.
Oil change: You should be getting an oil change every 3,000 miles or 3 months in order to keep your car up and running. If you have experience changing oil, you can do this at home and save some money on the cost of labor that a mechanic would typically charge.
Spark plugs: Typically, you'll have conventional spark plugs in your car, which should be changed every 30,000 miles. However, if you know your car has double platinum spark plugs, they should be changed every 50,000 miles.
Transmission filter and fluid: Your car's transmission filter should be changed at 30,000, 90,000, and 150,000 miles. The transmission fluid should be changed at 60,000, 120,000, and 180,000 miles.
Fuel filter: Unless your car's fuel filter is in the fuel tank, you should be changing it every 35,000 to 40,000 miles. However, if your tank is ever dropped, you should change the fuel filter immediately.
Coolant flush: You should have your mechanic do a coolant flush every 2 years or 24,000 miles, whichever comes first.
Tire rotation: One of the most important maintenance tips is tire rotation. Every 5,000 to 8,000 miles, you should have your car's tires rotated. If left untouched, the car's tires will wear down at an unbalanced rate because the weight in your car can be distributed unevenly. Your back left tire may be worn down way less than your front right tire, which will cause balance issues.
Tire alignment: Going hand in hand with tire rotation is getting the alignment checked out every 15,000 to 20,000 miles. This can go unchecked for some time as long as your car is still driving straight.
Brake fluid and power steering fluid flushes: These fluids should be flushed every two years or when they look dirty, whichever comes first.
Professional fuel injection: Your car needs a fuel injection done by a professional mechanic every 40,000 miles to keep it running smoothly.
Throttle bore plate: The throttle bore plate must be cleaned every 20,000 miles.
Air induction: This service should be performed every 20,000 miles as well.
Air filter, cabin air filter, PCV valve: These three items should be replaced as needed.
Taking your car in for these tune-ups is easy enough, but the most important car care tip is to have reliable auto insurance. For more information on auto insurance and getting the best bang for your buck, read about auto insurance savings tips.

Cheap and Easy Auto Maintenance

The current state of our economy has left many of us neglecting something that is extremely important. Taking care of your car or truck is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that you remain financially above water. When your car breaks down you may be late to work, if you can get there at all. You may end up having to pay for a taxi or rely on a friend to get to and from work and pick up the kids at school. What you're left with is a very expensive car repair bill and all the incidental costs that occurred while it was in the shop. What I am going to give you now is some very valuable information that will keep you out of this situation. These are some very easy and very inexpensive ways to maintain your own car so that you can avoid those expensive bills. By the time you're finished with this article you will be able to get more miles and better gas mileage from your car.
The first step is very simple, read the manual. That's it, that little book in the glove box is your golden ticket to understanding how to keep your vehicle in great shape. That manual has a list of all the maintenance that your car needs to keep you on the road. You may also find out about some features in your car that you didn't know you had. If you don't have one they are very easy to find online or you can get one at the dealership. Buying one is a great investment and will begin saving you money on those costly repair bills
The second step is actually using the manual. Now that you know what the car needs go ahead and do it. It's really not that hard. I have been able to teach most of my friends how to do it themselves with just a couple of tools. It may be hard to believe but many people don't know that you need to change the oil. Those same people are now doing it themselves and much more.
Now let's work on your car. I'd like to start with something that will increase your gas mileage and keep your tires in good shape for several thousand miles longer than your neighbor. This is an easy one. Check the tire pressure. You can pick up a tire pressure gauge for a couple dollars or less at any auto parts store and all you have to do is press it against that little thing sticking out of the wheel. Compare the number on the gauge to the one in the manual or on the little sticker inside the door jam. When the pressure is low just take your car up to the gas station and use the air hose (most gas stations have them) and fill the tire to the proper pressure. This might cost you about one dollar to use the air hose and it will save gas and increase the life of your tires. A good thing to remember is that when the seasons change so will your tire pressure. When it gets cold you'll see that your tires are a little low. Don't worry, the tires are probably fine, just put a little more air in.
Next on our to-do list is the air filter. This is another easy thing to do. Under the hood of your car there is a big black box with some clips on it. Just unclip the top of the box and you have found your air filter. Most of them slide out pretty easily and you can check to see how dirty it is. You can blow it out or vacuum it, but if the manual says it's time to change it you probably should. The last time someone at a repair shop wanted to change it for me I said now and I was glad I did. They wanted $40 to do it! I went to an auto parts store instead and bought one for $15 and put it in myself. It took less than 30 minutes including the amount of time it took to buy it and I saved $25. So now you can save $25 and get better gas mileage.
The next two items on our list are a little more involved, but one of them you may not have to do it all. Let's change our fuel filter first. This is the part of your fuel system that keeps all the dirt in the gas out of your engine. It is usually located under the car so you may have to lift up the vehicle. This is pretty simple and safe if you follow how the manual tells you to do it. Most cars come equipped with a jack or you can get one pretty cheap at the auto parts store. This task requires our second tool. On most new vehicles you need a special tool to unclip the fuel lines from the filter. It is a very inexpensive tool and the person at the auto parts store can tell you which one you need. You should also have some safety glasses and maybe some gloves for those with sensitive skin. A good safety tip here is to let the car sit for about an hour before you do it to make sure there is no pressure in the lines. All you do now is slide the tool into place. Some fuel filters may fight back a little but don't be afraid. It will come out. The new one goes in just like it came out minus having to use the tool. That's it you have once again increased your gas mileage and avoided a repair bill. The last tip about fuel filters is you may not have to change it at all. Some do not need to be changed and if that is the case you will probably not even see it under the car. They hide those in the fuel tank.
The next task we have is one that we all have. Many people don't do this at all and it will absolutely kill your car. You need to change the oil and the filter. If you don't you are guaranteed to be purchasing a new engine very soon. This bill is one of the big ones and you can avoid it for about $25 to $30. For this task you should keep your eye out for specials at the auto parts store. Many of these stores have their own brand of oil and filters they sell. Most of the time when you go in and ask for oil and a filter, they will tell you about their $15 oil change special. Yes, some oils are better than others, but when the budget is tight a cheap oil change is much better than no oil change. Your manual will tell you how often to do it and what type of oil to use. The first step is again to lift the car up. Once you are there all you do is unscrew the drain plug and then unscrew the oil filter. Make sure you have something to catch the oil. This can be done with one standard wrench and an oil filter wrench which are both inexpensive and easy to find. Be careful not to unscrew the plug on the transmission by mistake. Replacing lost transmission fluid is a little more expensive. Once you have all the oil out it is very important to remember to put the plug back in, or you may be purchasing more oil. I like to put a little oil in the filter before screwing back on. Once it is hand tight I like to give it just a little turn with the filter wrench, just be careful that you don't damage the filter. Now you can refill your engine with new oil. There is a cap on top of the engine with the label "oil". That was easy. In the manual it will show you how to check your oil level to ensure that you have the proper level. This is especially helpful if you have a small leak somewhere. Running a car with low or no oil is even worse than not changing it. You should check it periodically between oil changes just to make sure. You have just extended the life of your engine, improved your gas mileage and got a great deal on an oil change!
There are many other little things that you can do to keep your car running better for years to come. Just start with your owners' manual and go from there. You can find even more information online in auto forums and blogs. It's all very easy once you learn how to do it and in the long run it will save you thousands of dollars and you and your car will be very happy.

Auto Maintenance Services Your Vehicle Doesn't Need

Keeping up with routine maintenance items is critical in order to prolong the life of your vehicle. For example, changing your oil every 5,000 miles keeps your engine working efficiently and prevents friction and excess heat from building. Replacing the air filter ensures that a sufficient amount of air is making it into your engine while dirt and debris are caught. In fact, when you notice someone driving a car with 200,000 miles on the odometer, the reason behind their jalopy's longevity is good maintenance habits.
That said, repair shops - both independent and those maintained by dealerships - offer a host of maintenance services that are unnecessary. They sound attractive. They might even be relatively inexpensive. But, your car doesn't need them.
Below, I'll give you a short list of maintenance items that are promoted as "must haves," but are little more than a way for your mechanic to line his pockets.
Annual Fuel Injector Cleanings
Your car's fuel injectors can become clogged over time. This usually occurs when oilfins in the gasoline accumulate within the nozzles. Oilfins are waxy, so an accumulation leads to a clogged injector. When this happens (and it's often due to cheap gasoline), the clogged injectors may need to be cleaned or replaced, depending on the severity of the blockage.
The problem is, clogging rarely happens each year. Even if you're using cheap gasolines that lack the detergents that normally prevent deposits, it takes a few years for a blockage to develop. At $150 and up, say no to annual cleanings.
"Special" Protective Oil Additives
Priced low (usually under $10), these additives are a major profit source for repair shops and auto supply stores. They're designed to offer an extra level of protection for your engine - and that's exactly what they do. They help prevent friction and heat from causing major damage to your engine.
While potentially helpful, they're entirely unnecessary if you're changing the oil every 5,000 miles. As long as you keep the oil in good condition, these special additives are an unwarranted expense.
Engine Flush
An engine flush sounds helpful. Debris and sludge accumulate throughout the assembly and a flush promises to clean them out. However, there are a couple of problems that mechanics don't mention. First, if you're changing your oil, there is a much lower likelihood that debris will collect in your engine. Second, if your engine is older and debris has already accumulated due to neglect, a flush might cause the debris to break loose. If that happens, it may penetrate more deeply and cause bigger problems.
This service item can cost up to $200. Keep the money and make sure you change your oil based on the recommended intervals in your owner's manual.
Transmission Flush
The same advice goes for transmission flushes. To be sure, dirt and debris can collect within the assembly. But, as with flushing the engine, flushing your transmission can cause this material to break loose and circulate more deeply. If you're periodically replacing your transmission fluid, a flush is usually unnecessary.
Devices And Tools To Improve Fuel Efficiency
When gas prices surge, a number of "solutions" are promoted that promise to boost your vehicle's fuel efficiency. Do they work? Probably not. The Environmental Protection Agency has tested dozens of these products; none have fulfilled their promises. Given that these "gas saving" tools can cost between $20 and $300, you'll save plenty of money by ignoring the advertisements.
Auto maintenance items, such as changing your oil, replenishing your transmission fluid, and replacing filters, is important. Doing these things will prolong the life of your vehicle and improve its performance. By contrast, the service items described above sound helpful, but are unnecessary. Save your money and focus on the maintenance procedures you already know to be helpful.

Auto Repair for Road Trip Fanatics

Every car owner fulfills a dream when they purchase their first car. Owning and driving the car is the easy part. Caring for the vehicle and having regular maintenance is the harder task. Regular service sessions, frequent wash & waxing, protecting the body from hot sunny weather and cold snowy temperatures are the best practices every car owner embraces.
A popular myth for car owners is that "driving is the easy part, where as maintenance is the serious part." Many people would agree, but this is none the less a myth. Actually, car maintenance is not such a herculean task, all that matters is keeping the car in top condition and performing consistently. Keeping this in mind you can take care of most of the maintenance needs of the vehicle by your self. Over time you can learn to service the basic needs of the car manually, once the functions are clear.
When you get your car serviced or repaired, do not compromise on quality spare parts and a good mechanic. Always use original auto parts and never use a cheap substitute, consider that it's cheap for a certain reason. Cheap auto parts will harmfully affect the performance of your vehicle especially in the long run. You should take care of minor issues immediately before they evolve into a major issue.
It's vital to clean or replace the air filter to keep the car's airflow functioning at optimum levels. There are multiple types of junk and particles that flies into the engine compartment, these can significantly affect on road performance. When the air filter is nearly clogged and dirty, a "check engine" light will glow up on the car's meter. It's best to replace the air filter if it hasn't been changed in a while, whereas, newer filter can be washed and re used.
When cleaning the engine, many people use water, which could have negative effects on the engine. It's not good to give the engine a shower with any kind of liquid. Water can get into the distributor cap which can cause ignition problems. If you are going to clean the engine by yourself then use proper instructions given by the company or simply use a mechanic.
Generally, you can worry less about the suspension and unless there are rattling sounds indicating worn out parts there is no need to go to a mechanic. A car that pulls to one side while driving is a clear cut signals that the suspension needs immediate calibration. Tire pressure and tire wear & tear are also very important since, deflated tires have an adverse effect on the performance making the engine haul the car with more power. Uneven tire wear & tear is a good indicator that the alignment and suspension needs repairs. Prescott alignment services provide computerized chassis and tire maintenance ensuring a complete formula to your car's foundation.
One last feature for minimizing maintenance and repairs is adopting good driving habits. Keep steady control on the accelerator, brake and clutch. Properly accelerating and braking coupled with proper gear timing has a direct effect on the mileage. You should make sure not to carry additional heavy items in the car, as time passes irrelevant items are accumulated in the trunk. You should remove any additional weight from the car that may cause the mileage to go down since the car is pulling more weight.

Important Auto Maintenance

Regular oil check and change is required and can be considered as one of the most important steps to maintain your car. Every auto owner never keeps track of when his or her engine needs an oil change. Old oil or insufficient oil in your engine will heat up the engine quickly and might lead to damage and other problems in your vehicle. To fix these problems you will have to pay quite a lot. To keep your automobile running efficiently and engine well maintained regular oil change is essential.
Good Tyres
Just changing your oil regularly is not sufficient. Along with the oil you should ensure that you rotate your car tyres regularly. Tyre rotation helps to balance your tyres and reduces the possibility of uneven wearing of the treads. Normally, when you have uneven treads your car might get pulled or leaned on one side and this can be dangerous. Your car runs on the road with the help of tyres and worn out tyres or tyres which are not well maintained can be a serious threat to the driver and passengers in the car.
Checking air regularly and filling air in your tyre is another important task, which is often neglected by car owners. The pressure in the tyre goes down over a period of time, but due to some leak it might go down even sooner. Air in your tyre should be filled in correct proportion. If your tyre has insufficient air, the tyre will wear out faster. In the case of less air, the tyre touches the road and the rim of your car, which will spoil the treads of your tyre. Over filling your tyre without using a gauge might cause your tyre to burst and this can be very dangerous.
Tuning up your motor
Tuning your auto on a regular basis will save you from a sudden shock and expense if costly parts in your car fail. Regular check-up of your car will keep you updated on the performance of your car and car parts.
One more important aspect which you should never avoid is your car insurance. Adequate insurance for your car is essential as you never know when your car is damaged due to an accident. Protecting your-self, others and your car is important and thus, insurance of life and your car is necessary.
Maintenance tips to remember:
1. Periodic oil changes
2. Care for your tyres
3. Car tune-ups and check-ups
4. Adequate insurance for your car.