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Feb 4, 2012

A Step-By-Step Guide On Car Rust Repair

Car rust repair is an important part of auto repair. This isn't a hard task if it's done on time. You should never ignore this because this is going to cause major damage on your car and can make complete rust removal an impossible task. This is why you should never ignore the first spots of rust that you see on your car. You can start repairing them on your own by following a simple guide, which I'll be showing you in here.
In order for you to be able to do this auto repair process, you need a closed garage where you can work on your car. You need to do your repair in a closed garage because rain or even just overnight dampness can cause rusting to start all over again on bare metal. When you're doing this, you shouldn't also spray paint outside your garage if there's wind. Always wear safety gear such as gloves and goggles. Wearing a painter's respirator is highly advised when you're painting in an enclosed area.
Step 1
You start the process by closely examining your car. Take a look at each corner and mark the rust spots that you see. You need to work on these areas together. After you do so, get a wire brush and scrub it on the rusted areas so that you can remove the rust thoroughly.
Step 2
Clean the rusted areas as well as the areas around them. Doing this will help you achieve the best results. Use a 220 grit sandpaper to remove the paint. Buy a thick primer. Then, clean the rusted areas. Do this by sanding the areas that you've marked. Clean the rusted areas until you see clean metal surrounding them. By sanding the areas around the affected spots, you can ensure the removal of rust that might have spread under the finished area. Through this you can do a complete car rust treatment.
Step 3
Use a grinder that has a metal grinding wheel and work on the sanded metal. Be very cautious in doing this because this can do a huge amount of damage. Work slowly so that you can give the bare metal a good finish and produce the right base for painting. When you're done clean the collected dust using a soft piece of cloth.
Step 4
Mask the areas around the rusted spots by taping newspapers or plastic sheets with masking tape so that you can avoid getting paint sprayed on them. Get your primer. It's good to use a specially formulated primer for the bare metal. Apply it on the bare metal neatly using a thin paint brush. You can overlap the primer on unaffected areas by ¼ inch. Allow the primer to dry. Apply 2 more coats but allow each coat to dry.
Step 5
Buy a matching car paint that you're going to use as touchup paint. Spray the paint on the affected areas in thin coats making sure that it doesn't look uneven. Wait for the coat to completely dry before you start spraying the next one. You can do 3 to 5 coats of paint so you can get the best finish. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly. Finish things up by washing and waxing your car.