Are you getting tired of high electric costs? I totally am! But what choice do we have? Unfortunately, we are at the mercy of our local electric company if we want to live like human beings, with actual lights on in the house, not to mention refrigeration, at least one T.V., and in some cases, heat!
Things are getting so tight for some people they are actually not using electricity except for a small refrigerator after dark, and must opt to go to bed right after dark until the morning light. Although most folks aren't feeling the pinch quite that bad, a lot of people have started to perk up their ears and put on their reading glasses when they see or hear about alternative energy products on the market today, especially products that convert to electricity; products with do-it-yourself videos and e-Books.
Up until now, renewable, or alternative, energy has not been affordable or cost effective, since utilities have been able to keep rates at a level that doesn't make a home energy conversion worth the time and money. Finally, though, some people are ready for the change, if not because of their budget, then because they desire to lessen their carbon imprint. Also, people are finding that going green isn't as expensive as they originally thought, because of the proliferation of do-it-yourselfers (DIY'ers) who have Internet access to training DVD's and e-Books about how to make and install their own solar panels, or build their own wind turbines.
Some electric conversions don't even use solar or wind - they use radiant energy. A new "old" technology that has come to the forefront of late is reported to have been invented over 90 years ago by a genius that died broke because the powers-that-be at the time suppressed his invention so Thomas Edison could dominate the field!
Other alternative energy products are for DIY retrofitting of automobiles and trucks to run on alternative forms of power such as water, electricity or bio-diesel fuel. If things keep going the way they are, the entire world is going to need to step up their knowledge quotient (KQ) for alternative, or renewable, energy products and concepts, and then start to do something about one or all of the them.
One way for each individual to increase awareness for alternative energy products is to join a go-green, or renewable energy club. These are available locally and on the Net, and work to distribute information and support about alternative energy. We can be off the grid, or contributing to the grid, sooner than we realize.
Things are getting so tight for some people they are actually not using electricity except for a small refrigerator after dark, and must opt to go to bed right after dark until the morning light. Although most folks aren't feeling the pinch quite that bad, a lot of people have started to perk up their ears and put on their reading glasses when they see or hear about alternative energy products on the market today, especially products that convert to electricity; products with do-it-yourself videos and e-Books.
Up until now, renewable, or alternative, energy has not been affordable or cost effective, since utilities have been able to keep rates at a level that doesn't make a home energy conversion worth the time and money. Finally, though, some people are ready for the change, if not because of their budget, then because they desire to lessen their carbon imprint. Also, people are finding that going green isn't as expensive as they originally thought, because of the proliferation of do-it-yourselfers (DIY'ers) who have Internet access to training DVD's and e-Books about how to make and install their own solar panels, or build their own wind turbines.
Some electric conversions don't even use solar or wind - they use radiant energy. A new "old" technology that has come to the forefront of late is reported to have been invented over 90 years ago by a genius that died broke because the powers-that-be at the time suppressed his invention so Thomas Edison could dominate the field!
Other alternative energy products are for DIY retrofitting of automobiles and trucks to run on alternative forms of power such as water, electricity or bio-diesel fuel. If things keep going the way they are, the entire world is going to need to step up their knowledge quotient (KQ) for alternative, or renewable, energy products and concepts, and then start to do something about one or all of the them.
One way for each individual to increase awareness for alternative energy products is to join a go-green, or renewable energy club. These are available locally and on the Net, and work to distribute information and support about alternative energy. We can be off the grid, or contributing to the grid, sooner than we realize.